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Snorkeling Alghero


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Whoever visits the area of Alghero, cannot renounce to a snorkeling trip, including a tour of the cliffs. Capo Caccia, the silent giant which dominates the Riviera del Corallo (Coral Riviera), Logo beach bar per sito eng OKsymbolizes strength and unopposed nature, and is often even inaccessible. A huge cape of chalky rock located in the western side of Sardinia, which rises up from the sea to a height of 186 metres. At the highest point, we find the meteorological station of Capo Caccia, which hosts also the lighthouse; which is one of the most important and visible in the entire Mediterranean sea (visible from around 32 kilometres).

The sides of sheer snow-white rock which fall off into the sea, are inaccessible shelters for several specimens of animal; in particular for birds and raptors, which build their nests, exploiting the clefts and ridges of the cliffs.

A very striking tour, during which tourists are protagonists of an unforgettable experience, enjoying the grandeur of Capo Caccia and closely admiring caves and ravines which can be reached only by sea; including little natural paradises like the Isola Foradada (Foradada Island) and the Isola Piana (Piana Island).
Groups of up to max. 14 persons, are equipped with wet suits, flippers, and diving masks, including a buoy; an expert guide of the seabed of the Protected Marine Area accompanies the snorkeling tours.




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