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PADI Dive Resort: quality and safety

18 Marzo 2023 | By

Among the many services it offers, ArchiMete Diving Capo Caccia is also a PADI Dive Resort (n° 29089). A choice made to guarantee customers from all over the world certified international standards, constantly updated and, therefore, as safe as possible.
As a PADI Dive Resort and PADI Dive Shop, divers find diving education, precise standards of management and teaching, quality and efficient equipment, unique diving opportunities. In this regard, ArchiMete Diving Capo Caccia is exactly at the center of the Marine Protected Area, a reserve established in 2002 with the aim of protecting a unique natural and faunal heritage in the world. It is here, in fact, that there is the greatest concentration of submerged caves in the Mediterranean, which until a few decades ago were also a refuge for monk seals: during the diving and snorkeling excursions you come into direct contact with areas of the marine area that are inaccessible from the ground and reachable only on board a boat. In fact, a large part of the Capo Caccia area is characterized by cliffs overlooking the sea which are a unique spectacle above and below the water level.

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